Planets and nebulae in a day
by Augusta Stylianou
Buy the Original Painting
134.000 x 134.000 x 5.000 cm.
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Planets and nebulae in a day
Augusta Stylianou
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
This painting shows the planets and nebulae in one day. In the center of the painting, there is the sun of our galaxy.
On the left side on the sun, we see the Pleiades nebula and near them, the planet Mercury. Near the Mercury and on the right site, we see Venus Planet and very close to it the planet Uranus with turquoise colour. Again near to Uranus is the planet Neptune and the red planet Mars. Down on the right we see the milky way, and the small dwarf planet Pluto with some red and blue cluster stars. On the bottom of the painting, there is a giant planet Jupiter and the horse head nebula. On the left of the painting we see the Saturn planet with the half moon and the planet Earth.
February 18th, 2012